Launch into Work - TLC Aged Care
Congratulations! Your client has progressed in the TLC Aged Care - Launch into Work program process.
Your candidate has confirmed they want to apply for the Launch into Work program with TLC Aged Care, Geelong region.
Rebecca from Ternary will be coordinating the application, compliance and interview process, if you have any queries please call Rebecca directly on 0438096467.
Must hold a Certificate III in Aged Care or equivalent (prior to attending Candidate Information Session)
National Police Clearance (completed by Calvary Community Care)
Polo top (supplied by TLC Aged Care)
Black slacks or skirt (supplied by candidate or Provider)
Black closed-toes non-slip shoes (supplied by candidate or Provider)
Employment with
TLC Aged care
Supported by
The Australian Government &Launch Into Work ProgramCalvary
Managed by
Recruitment Time Table
Friday 12 to Friday 26 October
Booking candidates in for the Candidate Information Session
Thursday 1 November
11:00am, Candidate Information Session
Thursday 1 to Friday 2 November
Application, Screening and Interviews
Tuesday 6 November
Letter of Offer and Provider notified
Program timetable
Week 1 Wednesday 7 November – Day 1, Induction
Week 1 Thursday 8 November – Day 2, Soft Skills Training
Week 1 Friday 9 November – Day 3, Soft Skills Training
Week 2 Monday 12 to Friday 16 November – Day 4 to Day 8, Accredited Training / Work Placement
Week 3 Monday 19 to Friday 23 November – Day 9 to Day 13, Accredited Training / Work Placement
Week 4 Monday 26 to Friday 30 November – Day 14 to Day 18, Accredited Training / Work Placement
Week 5 Monday 3 to Friday 8 December – Day 19 to Day 21, Accredited Training / Work Placement
Week 6 Monday 10 to Thursday 13 December – Day 22 to Day 25, Accredited Training / Work Placement
Week 6 Friday 14 December – Day 26, Graduation
Training - Induction, Soft Skills and Accredited
8:30am to 4:30pm
Work Placement - Supervised Workplace Training
Location – Various, TLC Aged Care (Belmont, Armstrong Creek and Wallington)
Commencing – Morning 7:00am – 3:00pm or Afternoon 3:00pm – 10:00pm
Participants will be buddied with a senior Personal Support Worker for all work placement shifts.
Employment will be offered upon the successful completion of the Launch into Work program.
Commencing from Monday 17th December 2018.